
Thursday, March 24, 2011

dear bladder, you suck!

ok. so i am 29 weeks preg with mk. i am over it. ready to meet this little girl, i know she still needs time to cook, and in the words of juno 'get a little cuter'. and that is fine. but this being my 3rd pregnancy, it is taking a toll on my body, mind, and spirit! let me explain:

 i have some crazy itchy rash on my legs...hurts like hell. nothing helps. so not only are my legs a lovely whitish/purple from no sun/tanning bed, they are covered in red itchy devil dots. barf.

back to the whitish/purple is so gross. i need sun in a bad way. i would lather myself in fake tanner, but i don't want to make the devil bumps worse.

bladder, i hate you....a lot. i literally had my keys in my hand going to walk out the door, and thought 'hmm..i should empty this thing', so i did. drove 1 mile to publix to get my now needed 325mg iron! then all of a sudden...bam....had to pee. wait? what? i just peed like less than 6 minutes ago. bladder..go to effing hell.

my mind is going a zillion miles a minute..not like that is new...but usually it is focused on one thing. nope. not anymore. now it is my store, leaving my store when i have mk, my store surviving while i am in lala baby land, rv's, getting the hubs everything he needs for this weeks crisis with rv's, kids, summer camps (which suck ass in planning), my carb intake, making everyone happy, red devil bumps, going out of town...wouldn't this make you tired too?  but no. i am so exhausted when i go to bed...i can't sleep. at all. sigh.......

hubs thinks i am crazy. crazy as shit. fine...maybe i am right now. i thought i had all this time in the world to get everything ready and prepared for mk. no..went to the doctor monday and i am measuring 2 weeks early. huh? so, is my baby huge or did you mis-calculate, doc? so will i have mk in late may? or when i get to my due date will i be 2 weeks 'late'? i don't get all. whatev..i will cross that road later.

i just don't feel like myself sometimes. crying, itching, peeing.....ahh....lovely.

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